Frequently asked questions

What is a block?

This is a fragment of the Bitcoin chain that meets the specific requirements of the network. Successfully finding a block means that the pool receives a reward, which distributed among users.

— What is this "Payments" tab? Payments to whom and why?

This is a list of the last 50 transactions and the total amounts that the pool has sent when processing payments to its users. If you want to see more For detailed information, then look at the statistics for the corresponding account. This can be done by entering a bitcoin address in the form on the main page, or by clicking on the desired address in the list of active users.

— How are accruals made?

In the accrual system used, we pay in real time for each solution received from users, this approach is called Pay-Per-Share (PPS).

What happens if you enter a syntactically incorrect bitcoin address as username?

Solutions submitted on behalf of such a user are considered voluntary pool donations. They count as account work 14R2r9FkyDmyxGB9xUVwVLdgsX9YfdVamk.

— I started the miner and it has been working for some time, but I do not see payments. This is fine? If yes, then why?

This is normal, payouts occur automatically when a threshold balance is reached.

— Will your code be open to the community like all decentralized projects?


— What stack is the pool written on?

NodeJS and C++

— How was the security audit conducted? Are there already certificates from auditors?

At the moment, it is not done centrally in any way, it is done by a couple of volunteers. More is not yet required, in view of the fact that we use architectural and infrastructural solutions that exclude many possible errors as a class.

— Have performance tests and  failure stress tests been carried out? network stability, you can look at results?

  • A network of 8 nodes consistently processed from 1 to 20 decisions per minute
  • Based on the results of tests that lasted a month, an estimate of the rate was obtained chain growth ~90 gigabytes of data per year.
  • Performance when synchronizing a new node, when there is no stop into the network infrastructure, allows you to synchronize a new node within 3.5 hours.

According to these results, the limiter will be the physical throughput of data transmission lines between nodes, and not itself host software or hardware resources.

- There is already a decentralized pool P2Pool than your project different in technical and economic terms?

It differs in that the P2Pool project cannot be used in real conditions. If you need to list the reasons for this, it will be long, but in fact, P2Pool is not  working solution, it's proof-of-concept and not more than that.

— What equipment is required for mining?

Any equipment that supports the stratum protocol. To use direct payments via coinbase transaction, requires hardware that has no limits by the size of the coinbase of the transaction. If direct payments are not required, equipment with such restrictions can also be used.

— How is ddos protection built?

The principle of "from quantity to quality". With a large number of nodes, such attacks on the network become either technically unrealizable, or economically inefficient.

— What is the principle of the p2p network you implemented, what is its architecture?

Normal peer-to-peer network with direct data exchange between participants.

— What is the role of the master node and how is protection from scam of these nodes implemented?

The  node master on the net does exist, this is a simplification of the concept. There are nodes which  have the right to generate templates for new blocks, their role is to check the correctness of the transactions that will be included in the new block of the pool. Any  they do not have a financial role, and coercion honesty is carried out by recalling node certificate, implemented in case of untrustworthy behavior. Certificate or revocation of the host certificate is signed by us, as the project maintainers, and sent out over a p2p network in the form of a broadcast message.

— Can you describe in more detail how the PPLNS calculator works?

Just like it works on centralized pools. A sample is taken decisions for the requested period, and distribution is calculated rewards for & nbsp; it, a simple proportion.

- According to the description, it is not quite clear how the distribution takes place roles in  network & sync? For this, another & nbsp; blockchain layer? Can you explain further?

There are no additional layers. There is only one blockchain in the pool, and it is mined through joint mining when searching for blocks of the currency on which the pool works. In this In terms of principle, the principle is similar to P2Pool, with minor differences.

If the owner of the new node wishes to become a template generator, then he can send a request for certificate to maintainers of the project.

When signing a request, all nodes will automatically learn about the new status of the requestor, reconfiguration or software restart is not required.